Gross Motor Play
At 12 months old, my daughter started physical therapy and I was introduced to a world of gross motor play and its importance!
What is gross motor play? It’s an active type of play that requires kids to use their legs, torso, and arms. Activities like walking, running, jogging, skipping, swimming, and climbing all require kids to use their gross motor muscles.
Over time, I’ve learned so much about setting up our playroom to encourage physical development. Here are some of my favorites!
Sticky Wall: Place a square of contact paper on the wall with a border of blue painters tape. Stick objects the wall. Have your child stand and reach to grab them off!
Mirror hung horizontally on the wall. My daughter LOVES to see herself! Hanging the mirror horizontally on the wall required her to stand, while holding the wall, to see herself.
Window Clings- This is another great activity for reaching and engaging core muscles in the standing position.
Kicking a ball helps children shift their weight from one foot to another. This is especially helpful with balance.
This climber is a current favorite and has so many uses! The wedge is great for inclined walking. The stairs are perfect for practicing a couple steps at a time. I wish we had purchased this earlier because it’s one that can really grow with your child.
Happy Playing!